Wednesday, January 9, 2019

What to do in case of a dental emergency – Home Remedies

While dental emergencies are not as severe or potentially fatal as some other emergencies can be, the pain that comes with it is often excruciating and unbearable. It might come at hours when it is not possible to reach out to the dentist. But that does not mean that one will have to be in that kind of pain till one can visit an Emergency Dentist in Edmonton.

Here are some easy and simple home remedies that one can try to alleviate the pain at home.

1. Salt and hot water wash

The easiest and most effective home remedy for tooth pain is salt and hot water, hands down. It is something that is available in almost every household and it is known to provide momentary relief in case of throbbing tooth pain quite instantly. The salt and hot water solution will draw out the harmful fluids in the gums that are causing the inflammation after rinsing with it. However, make sure the water is lukewarm and not so hot that it triggers sensitivity.

2. Cold compress

Another quick and easy method is compressing the outside of the teeth, along the jawline, with an ice pack. It will comfort the inflammation and burning feeling in the gums, if the pain shoots up too much.

3. Hydrogen Peroxide

This easily available compound does wonders for infections and bruises. Take a small amount, dilute it in water if necessary and rinse and spit for temporary relief.

If the pain persists, make sure to take a dentist’s appointment as soon as possible. Keep the number of the Family dentist in Edmonton, AB handy for such cases.


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